‘Proof it’

A brand identity and campaign that addresses Gen Z’s inexperience, and fear using office printers.

The Problem:

Gen Z haven’t been taught how to use a printer. They grew up with user friendly software. To them, printers are unresponsive ancient artefacts to be avoided at all costs. Their trial and error efforts are inefficient and unsustainable. Gen Z need support, but they are too ashamed to ask their colleagues for help.

The Insights:

  • 1 in 5 young office workers reported feeling judged for having tech issues.

  • Gen Z are underprepared when it comes to workplace technical skills.

  • Feeling judgement made young office workers less likely to ask for help.

  • 1 in 3 Gen Z’s are not provided with the digital skills required for career progression.

  • Gen Z are more flexible when it comes to work.

  • Gen Z are willing to learn new skills and 73% use LinkedIn to further their careers. They have a desire for success.

The Solution:

Designed to be folded into the format of a business card, Proof is a pamphlet that walks through common printing problems and solutions. Gen Z’s can avoid the judgment of colleagues with this discreet consideration.

A typographic and copy-driven poster campaign will raise awareness for Proof.




Digital Design

Editorial Design
